GO 502 / 2021 Co-op dt Tvm 16.08.2021
Revision of TA , DA & Allowances ( GO 27/ 21 /Fin dt Tvm 10.2.21)
GO 93 /2021 Co-op dt Tvm 6.2.2021
GO 83/2017 co-op Tvm dt 30.12.2017
GO 28/2017 Co-op Tvm dt 04.08.2017
GO 416/2017 Co-op Tvm dt 04.08.2017
GO 266/17 Co-op Tvm dt 23.05.2017
GO (MS) 282/2017/(60) Fin dt Tvm 30.05.2017
GO(P) 13/2017 Co-op dt Tvm 6.3.2017
GO(P) 137/2016 Fin Dt Tvm 09.09.2016
GOP) 7/2016 Dt Tvm 20.01.2016
GO 464/2016 Co-op Tvm dt 3.9.16
GO(MS) 18/2016 Co-op dt Tvm 29.02.2016
GO(P) 7/2016 Fin dt Tvm 20.01.2016
Dearness Allowance to Co-operative Pensioners (wef 01.03.2016)
GO 173/2016/Co-op Dt Tvm 02.03.2016
GOP 526/2015/Fin dt Tvm 19.11.2015 Period extended up to 31.12.2016
Premium Rs.300/- Insurance Cover Rs.10 lakh Last Date 31.12.2015
Application Forms (Last Date 31.12.2015)
GO(RT) 693/2015 Co-op dt Tvm 24.11.2015
Date : 18-08-2015
Festival Allowance of Collection Agents Sanctioned as per GO 498/2015
Date : 15-07-2015
Daily Collection & Appraisers – Allowance Revised Order
Date : 18-03-2015
Pensioners Medical Allowances Enhanced
Date : 17-03-2015
Enhancement of D.A w.e.f 01-07-2014 (New D.A-152%)